How do I cancel my AnyList Complete subscription?
The method to cancel your subscription depends on how you purchased AnyList Complete.
On this page
Subscriptions Purchased via the AnyList Website
Subscriptions purchased via our website at automatically renew, by default, if they were purchased after March 9, 2022.
Subscriptions purchased prior to this date via our website do not automatically renew.
To check whether you have a subscription that will automatically renew, visit the Account Info page on our website. If you see payment method information (e.g., “Visa ending in 1234”) and an indication of your next billing date, then your subscription will automatically renew. Otherwise, your subscription will not automatically renew.
If your subscription is one that automatically renews, you can cancel your subscription at any time during the subscription term to avoid automatic billing in the future. You will be able to continue to use the premium features included with AnyList Complete through the end of the subscription term. To cancel your subscription, visit the Account Info page on our website.
If your subscription is not one that automatically renews, then you don’t need to do anything to cancel your subscription. You won’t be charged again unless you take explicit action to renew your subscription. (We’ll send a reminder via email when your subscription is close to expiration, asking you to renew.)
Subscriptions Purchased via the iOS App Store
Subscriptions purchased via the iOS App Store do not automatically renew.
You don’t need to do anything to cancel your subscription.
You won’t be charged again unless you take explicit action to renew your subscription. (We’ll send a reminder via email when your subscription is close to expiration, asking you to renew.)
Subscriptions Purchased via Google Play
Subscriptions purchased via Google Play automatically renew, by default.
You can cancel your subscription at any time during the subscription term to avoid automatic billing in the future, and you will be able to continue to use the premium features included with AnyList Complete through the end of the subscription term.
To cancel your subscription, follow the steps listed on this page on Google’s support site.
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