Copying and Pasting Recipes into AnyList
Copy the ingredient text from the original recipe.
Create a new recipe in AnyList
Enter the recipe name and then tap on the Ingredients row.
Tap on Paste Ingredients, then paste the ingredient text and tap Done.
Copy the prep step text from the original recipe.
Return to AnyList, tap on Preparation Steps, paste the prep step text, and then tap the Back button.
Save the recipe.
Copy the ingredient text from the original recipe.
Create a new recipe in AnyList.
Enter the recipe name and then tap on the Ingredients row.
Paste the ingredient text, then tap Save.
Copy the prep step text from the original recipe.
Return to AnyList, tap on Preparation Steps, paste the prep step text, and then tap the Back button.
Save the recipe.
Copy the ingredient text from the original recipe.
Create a new recipe in AnyList.
Enter the recipe name, then click on the Ingredients row.
Click Add Ingredients, paste the ingredient text, then click Done.
Copy the prep step text from the original recipe.
Return to AnyList, click on Preparation Steps, paste the prep step text, and then click the Back button.
Save the recipe.
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